8 Best Celebrity Scholarships for International Students
It is no secret that university is expensive, with over US$1.76 trillion in student loan debt. And that’s just in the US. Are you looking for scholarships for international students? Don’t worry these celebrities have got you covered! Many have chosen to give back by opening their hearts and wallets to offer scholarships to students with financial burdens.
Education Department moves to rescind Trump-era regulation on religious student groups
The U.S. Department of Education has proposed rescinding part of a Trump-era rule requiring public colleges to ensure they are not denying benefits to religious student organizations because of the group’s beliefs or policies. Though the Education Department supports religious freedom, it said in a message, that piece of the regulation is unnecessary because public institutions must already follow the First Amendment. The Education Department is also ill-equipped to handle investigating public institutions’ treatment of religious groups, Nassar Paydar, assistant secretary for postsecondary education, said in the message.
To learn more - https://www.highereddive.com/news/education-department-rescind-trump-regulation-religious-student-groups/643295/
Internationalization agenda for universities remains focused on student recruitment
A survey of more than 100 international education leaders in Australia, Canada, and the UK, finds that internationalization – and student recruitment in particular – remains a top priority. The study was conducted jointly by management consultancy Nous Group and Navitas. Agents will continue to play a key role in those recruitment goals but university leaders are placing a greater emphasis on professionalizing the role of education agents. Most respondents also expect more intense competition for students going forward.
To learn more - https://monitor.icef.com/2023/02/internationalisation-agenda-for-universities-remains-focused-on-student-recruitment/
University students turn to career counseling amidst confusion, anxiety
As the number of China's college graduates hits a record 11.58 million in 2023 - an increase of 850,000 from last year - these new graduates, with confusion and anxiety about their future, are choosing to seek help from paid career counseling, Xinhua News Agency reported.
‘U.S. News’ Acquires CollegeAdvisor.com
U.S. News & World Report, the magazine famous for its controversial rankings of educational institutions, on Tuesday, announced its purchase of CollegeAdvisor.com, which “matches students and families with dedicated and highly trained admissions coaches to build a customized college application strategy that includes one-on-one counseling, essay editing, interview prep, and other specialty workshops.”
To learn more - https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2023/02/22/%E2%80%98us-news%E2%80%99-acquires-collegeadvisorcom
Think Again: "College Admissions Exams Drive Higher Education Inequities"
The SAT and ACT have held a controversial place in American education for generations. The conventional wisdom suggests that these college entrance tests are harmful to educational equity because they discriminate against students from low-income families and other students whose backgrounds may put them at a disadvantage, such as Black, Hispanic, or Native American students. This brief challenges the notion that college admissions exams are at the heart of inequities we observe in college admissions, higher education attainment, and broader social disparities.
To learn more - https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/research/think-again-college-admissions-exams-drive-higher-education-inequities
Avoid These 7 Mistakes When Applying for Scholarships
With hundreds of college scholarships available online, the search and application process can be overwhelming and mistakes can happen. Students should "approach it in an organized way where they might spend a couple of hours a week building up a scholarship portfolio in the same way they might for the college admissions process," says Michelle Holdway, associate director for scholarships in the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships at the University of Oregon.
To learn more - https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/paying-for-college/articles/avoid-these-mistakes-when-applying-for-scholarships
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