$450,000 in scholarships pledged to University of Dayton, Reynolds and Reynolds said
The Reynolds and Reynolds Company Foundation pledged $450,000 to the University of Dayton starting with the 2022-2023 academic year. To qualify, the student must demonstrate a financial need and be enrolled at the School of Business Administration or in STEM programs.24 qualifying students will receive $6,250 per year beginning their sophomore year.
IDEAS Grant Competition Now Open For U.S. Colleges And Universities To Expand Study Abroad Programming
The U.S. Department of State’s IDEAS Program announces the launch of its 2023 IDEAS grant competition, which provides grants of up to $35,000 to U.S. colleges and universities to develop study abroad partnerships, programs, and resources aligned with U.S. foreign policy goals. The competition will award approximately 30 grants of up to $35,000 each to accredited colleges and universities.
To know more: https://studyabroad.state.gov/value-study-abroad/highlights-and-activities/ideas-grant-competition-now-open-us-colleges-and
Education censorship bills threaten higher ed, can dissuade K-12 teachers from joining the profession, report says
Bills designed to prohibit classroom discussion of certain topics like race and LGBTQ culture can directly affect colleges, but often target K-12 schools and may dissuade prospective teachers from joining the profession, according to a new report by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE).
To know more: https://www.highereddive.com/news/education-censorship-bills-threaten-higher-ed-can-dissuade-k-12-teachers-f/635028/
Lilly commits $92.5 million to Purdue to establish an innovative pharmaceutical manufacturing scholarship program and to extend research collaboration
Eli Lilly and Company has committed $42.5 million to Purdue over 10 years to fund an innovative pharmaceutical manufacturing scholarship program for incoming undergraduate students. Scholarships will prioritize students from underrepresented groups, who have overcome disadvantages or are first generation to attend college. Purdue and Lilly have also renewed their strategic research collaboration efforts in a series of moves that will expand their impact in Indiana and improve lives on a global scale.
TechGirls Program - U.S. Embassy in Lebanon
The U.S. Embassy in Lebanon announced that the application for TechGirls Program 2023 are now open. TechGirls is an international summer exchange program designed to empower and inspire high school-aged girls from the Middle East and North Africa, and Central Asia to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
To know more: https://lb.usembassy.gov/techgirls-program-2/
ICEF Podcast: Are traditional student corridors under pressure?
In their latest podcast, ICEF’s Craig Riggs and Martijn van de Veen discuss the latest developments in our sector, with a focus on Australia’s resurgent popularity among leading study destinations, and the increasing variety of messaging apps used to reach prospective students throughout Asia.
To know more: https://monitor.icef.com/2022/10/icef-podcast-are-traditional-student-corridors-under-pressure/
Review of the strengthening institutional education information system in emergencies initiative
With education systems worldwide under growing threats from conflict, natural disasters, and pandemics, it’s critical to understand the complex and changing needs of learners, teachers, educational institutions, and communities to respond to them effectively and in a sustainable manner. Here are some findings from UNESCO: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/review-strengthening-institutional-education-information-system-emergencies-initiative
Nutrition Counseling Program catalyzes dietetic careers for students - VTx | Virginia Tech
In the Nutrition Counseling Program, students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Virginia Tech put their knowledge into action to help others across campus identify and implement sustainable nutrition-related lifestyle changes to meet their health goals. “This isn’t a program where we just provide meal plans or tell people what to eat, This is nutrition counseling for behavior change. We focus on realistic behavioral changes that will truly help our clients reach their nutrition goals in a sustainable manner.” says Tina Yazdi.
HKU Continues To Achieve Promising Results In Times Higher Education World University Subject Rankings 2023
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) has achieved encouraging results in the 2023 Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject. Among the 11 subjects in total, six of them have moved up in the subject rankings.
World University Rankings 2023 by subject: clinical and health
The clinical and health subject ranking uses the same trusted and rigorous performance indicators as the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023, but the methodology has been recalibrated to suit the individual fields. The UK’s University of Oxford leads the table for the 12th consecutive year, with just two universities in the top 10 not from the US or the UK.
To know more: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2023/subject-ranking/clinical-pre-clinical-health
Loyola students receive Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarships - Newsroom
Loyola University Maryland graduate students Caroline Piotrowski and Bradley Hartman were awarded Teaching Fellows for Maryland Scholarships from the Maryland Higher Education Commission. The scholarship is awarded to students who pledge to teach in a Maryland public school or public prekindergarten in which 50% of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals.